by Giansalvatore Mecca, Donatello Santoro, Nazzareno Sileno, Enzo Veltri
Diogene-CT: tools and methodologies for teaching and learning coding (Giansalvatore Mecca, Donatello Santoro, Nazzareno Sileno, Enzo Veltri), In International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
Author = {Mecca, Giansalvatore and Santoro, Donatello and Sileno, Nazzareno and Veltri, Enzo},
Da = {2021/03/05},
Doi = {10.1186/s41239-021-00246-1},
Id = {Mecca2021},
Isbn = {2365-9440},
Journal = {International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education},
Title = {Diogene-CT: tools and methodologies for teaching and learning coding},
Ty = {JOUR},
Url = {},
Year = {2021},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}